Clifford, at the age of 81, will be joined for the cycle ride by his son John who works for Mercedes Formula 1.Starting from St David’s on Saturday 27 April, Clifford will be cycling 400 miles east, in the hope of reaching Lowestoft on Sunday 5 May. The route will include Ely Cathedral, where he plans to make a brief stop for lunch on Saturday 4th May.Whilst Clifford is cycling primarily in aid of Ely Cathedral Clifford is happy for folk at All Saints Hartford to donate their sponsorship Gift to the Church if they prefer to do so.You may Sponsor Clifford in aid of Ely Cathedral through Just Giving:Or if you wish your Gift to go to All Saints Hartfordthrough a One-off Gift at the Parish Giving Scheme:Follow Clifford’s progress on the Map and see the Daily Updates below.
CLIFFORD OWEN - cycle ride from St. David’s to Lowestoft
CLIFFORD OWEN is cycling from St. David’s to Lowestoft from April 27th to May 5th 2024 in aid of ELY CATHEDRAL.
Day 3 - Bit of morning cycling - Now at Hay on Wye
Day 3 - Here was Cliff on the old railway line/road near Hay on Wye
Day 3 - Now in Hereford having completed a very quick journey
Day 4 - On our way down the Malvern Hills
Day 4 - On our way down the Malvern Hills
Day 4 - Spot of lunch at Upton on Severn
Day 4 - Made against evil headwinds!
Day 5 - After 4 hours cycling now in Aynho south of Banbury
Day 6 - First puncture of the trip. All done in 10mins
Day 6 - Back home on Hartford for a day of rest
Day 8 - Leaving the Barley Mowfor journey to Ely
Day 8 - At Ely outside Oliver Cromwell's old house
Day 8 - At Ely Cathedral
Day 8 - Lunch done! Ely Cathedral
Day 9 - Lunchtime just north of Bungay. 15miles to go!
Day 9 - Welcome to Lowestoft!
Day 9 - Saying goodbye at Lowestoft
Day 9 - Rewarded with an ice cream
OnMondayJohnflewKathrynbackto Abergavennyinahired helicopterfromTurwestonAerodrome(whichisnearthe MercedesF1worksatBrackley).Iwasinvitedtogoalongfor the ride. WyeValley,Monmouth,RiverSevern,wewereataheightof 2000feetandairspeed120knots.OnthereturnjourneyJohn took us up to 6000 feet to avoid the low cloud.
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CLIFFORD OWEN - cycle ride from St. David’s to Lowestoft
Clifford, at the age of 81, will be joined for the cycle ride by his son John who works for Mercedes Formula 1.Starting from St David’s on Saturday 27 April, Clifford will be cycling 400 miles east, in the hope of reaching Lowestoft on Sunday 5 May. The route will include Ely Cathedral, where he plans to make a brief stop for lunch on Saturday 4th May.Whilst Clifford is cycling primarily in aid of Ely Cathedral Clifford is happy for folk at All Saints Hartford to donate their sponsorship Gift to the Church if they prefer to do so.You may Sponsor Clifford in aid of Ely Cathedral through Just Giving:Or if you wish your Gift to go to All Saints Hartfordthrough a One-off Gift at the Parish Giving Scheme:Follow Clifford’s progress on the Map and see the Daily Updates below.
CLIFFORD OWEN is cycling from St. David’s to Lowestoft from April 27thto May 5th 2024 in aid of ELYCATHEDRAL.
Day 3 - Bit of morning cycling - Now at Hay on Wye
Day 3 - Here was Cliff on the old railway line/road near Hay on Wye
Day 3 - Now in Hereford having completed a very quick journey
Day 4 - On our way down the Malvern Hills
Day 4 - On our way down the Malvern Hills
Day 4 - Spot of lunch at Upton on Severn
Day 4 - Made against evil headwinds!
Day 5 - After 4 hours cycling now in Aynho south of Banbury
Day 6 - First puncture of the trip. All done in 10mins
Day 6 - Back home on Hartford for a day of rest
Day 8 - Leaving the Barley Mowfor journey to Ely
Day 8 - At Ely outside Oliver Cromwell's old house
Day 8 - At Ely Cathedral
Day 8 - Lunch done! Ely Cathedral
Day 9 - Lunchtime just north of Bungay. 15miles to go!
Day 9 - Welcome to Lowestoft!
Day 9-Saying goodbye at Lowestoft
Day 9-Rewarded with an ice cream
OnMondayJohnflewKathrynbackto Abergavennyinahiredhelicopterfrom TurwestonAerodrome(whichisnearthe MercedesF1worksatBrackley).Iwasinvited to go along for the ride. WyeValley,Monmouth,RiverSevern,wewere ataheightof2000feetandairspeed120knots. OnthereturnjourneyJohntookusupto6000 feet to avoid the low cloud.